Great Way to Begin 2025!
Kittens Have arrived for 2025!
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Kittens Have arrived for 2025!
✨ Follow our furry friends and stay updated:
Instagram: @scotsnbrits
It’s very hard to get a picture of him. He loves to lie on the coffee table with his hind legs going in the opposite direction making him look huge. He is a big boy and so is Hunter since Koko is here. They love to run and play. Our hallway is a cat run. It’s back and forth every night and morning. We just need to be careful of collisions with us.
He is very playful and plays hard. He is extremely intelligent. He can do kitty puzzles and pretty well obeys us. He is absolutely magnificent. I can do anything to him except trim nails. Neither of them like that. Koko loves to be combed and cuddled.
Good morning, Suzanne,
We are soooo happy to have Jacques and Pierre!! We have done very little since their arrival except watch them, laugh, rub, and just enjoy having them around. We marveled once again at the magic of a cat knowing immediately what their new litter box is for. How do they know? (And why would anyone want to have a dog?) Jacques continues to want lots and lots of rubbing, and Pierre, though very shy at first, has finally gotten used to us and enjoys some rubbing as well.
Thank you for the nice folders that contain their paperwork. We have not yet investigated or activated their chips, but that is such a good idea. There is a typo, I believe, in Pierre‘s paperwork. You listed his weight as 36 pounds, and I’m pretty sure you meant 3.6 pounds. He is just the cutest little guy. Despite his short legs, he seems perfectly proportioned. If Jacques keeps growing, he is going to be a bruiser. He is much bigger than either Victor or Hugo were at approximately the same age. In fact, just before Victor died, he didn’t weigh but maybe a pound more than what Jacques weighs now. So we will see. Pierre can defend himself now, so he’ll have plenty of practice for later.
Pierre loves climbing on our kitchen chairs. He sat there like that for a long time. Too funny. Again, his proportions fit that pose perfectly.
Thanks again, Suzanne.
We love our boys!!
Good morning, Suzanne, Deciding to get new kittens was the best decision we have made in a long time. Jacques and Pierre are just wonderful!! They are the more affectionate than all of our previous cats put together, which is just delightful. They want to be in the room where we are, and they “sleep through the night“ without bothering us! You did a wonderful job of socializing them, Suzanne. Thank you. They are eating well, both the wet and dry that you suggested. They tussle with each other several times a day, but then they curl up and snuggle with each other. Pierre, though smaller, is often the instigator of the tussling. He has grown out of his adorable pixie look, darn, and is now just a cute kitten. Jacques still can never get enough rubbing. They are both adorable. Our friends provided (slightly embarrassing) welcome balloons!! Our neighbor’s grandson, JP, was visiting, so I was able to repurpose the balloons by giving them to him. He was thrilled. Thanks again, Suzanne. Jacques and Pierre have already brought much joy into our lives. Linda
Hi, Suzanne,
We are Al and Sharon C. from Bella Vista, AR. We purchased twins from you born on 2/15/2023. They are Buddy and Rikki.
I will attach a recent photo.
Buddy is in the foreground. He is a big, lazy mostly standoffish cat. He does enjoy being groomed, sleeping, and eating. He hangs around with us, just beyond reach.
Rikki, in the background, has the flat face. We have to use wipes to keep the tears and stains off her precious face. Rikki is a ball of energy and obviously never read the book about British Shorthairs not wanting to cuddle. We should rename her “Velcro”.
Sharon and I bought them from you in May 2023, because we wanted to, and we justified the purchase as a 40th anniversary present.
The local veterinary pronounced them “perfect” during their last exam.
So, there you have it. Al and Sharon: two crazy old cat people.
Best, Al C.
Henry is an absolute sweetheart in all respects, though continues to act like a rooster and screams at dawn until my dog Rylee and i get up!! It’s exhausting but I’m adjusting…
Meg H.
Little Pumpkin is such a delight. She has already sent a text late one night to one of my friends. I got a call the next morning asking if everything was alright. And, I caught her using the camera on my iphone and playing video games on my ipad.
She and the Westies are doing well. I had envisioned a more structured introduction but Pumpkin couldn’t be held back. They sleep with me, share a water bowl and sit on the sofa together–what more could I ask for. However, the little Pumpkin has eaten my pups’ food. I have to be more scheduled in feeding Benjamin (5 years old) and Penelope (3 years old) and remove their food bowls. Pumpkin has eaten enough dog food for a 45 lbs dog on 2 occasions. She has her “safe house” which now she only uses for her litter box and her meals but doesn’t use her own water bowl or sleep/play in the safe house.
Today, I have managed to trim the nails on 1 paw and clean her eyes. She enjoys her daily brushing. Pumpkin is fearless, affectionate, and adventurous. You were right–she has quite the personality.
Just a quick word to let you know all’s well. Aussie has thoroughly explored the house, is eating and drinking well, using the litterboxes, purrs like crazy. Has the run of the house. Started vocalizing after about two days — I love his voice! He and Agatha are almost touching noses now; Oliver is still coming to terms. But there’s been no unpleasantness/aggression. Just lots of staring at one another and slow-motion movement to show there’s no threat.
He’s so sweet-natured and laid back, a gentleman. Characteristics I love in Brit cats. Also love the head-butts, haven’t had a cat who did that for a long time.
The attached photo shows us watching TV together a couple nights ago. He’ll visit his new vet in a few days, for a meet&greet
Thanks for such a wonderful cat!
Terry H.
Hi Suzanne -- just wanted to share a couple photos. Aussie has found his happy place here (my bed). He and Agatha have become afternoon nap pals. He seems totally content here, and I really love and enjoy having him. His personality and intelligence are awesome. When he suddenly bursts into conversation I can't help smiling. Best, Terry H.
Hi Suzanne ~
There’s a whole lotta love packed into those tiny kittens. They are remarkable! So smart, confident, curious, tidy, funny and loving. They now run the place and have accepted us as their staff. We are having a total love fest!
Many thanks,
Kay & Dick
Happy Halloween! Cara and Bijoux are thriving! They bring joy every day. Thank you ?
Laying in a tunnel that was a gift from his new Grandma.
He has already taken over the house and told his older brother who’s the boss around here!
He is so sweet and snuggly. His character is so different than Angus’ was, and we are having so much fun. Big brother doesn’t know what to think just yet, but we know they will get along once he gets used to a little fluffy ball of fusion power running around house.
Kenneth W.
Happy early Easter from Angus in south Georgia! I wanted to let you know that my “staff” has explained that I will NEVER be allowed outside….all I hear is “Blah, blah, blah”…..the good news is they take me on a car ride every day so I can chatter at squirrels and birds. The lady of the house is telling me that as of tomorrow, I will have been with them for four months. I have these folks wrapped around my dew claw.
Dr. Henne, thank you for sending us the BEST kitten EVER!
Hi there Dr. Henne, It’s time for a monthly update on the world’s most spectacular kitten. He’ll be 9 months old in 4 days. He’s PERFECT. He keeps us laughing with his antics and is very tolerant of all the affection we smother him with. Each day when I get his carrier out for his car ride, he trots to it and hops in…you can’t beat that. He sleeps up by my face every night. Thank you more than I can say!
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