Spring Kittens are Arriving for 2024!

Spring Kittens are Here!!! Sign up for our “New Kitten Notifications” to be the first to know when new kittens are available. Follow us on Instagram at scotsnbrits and TikTok at scotsnbrits3


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Penny and Presley

Hi Suzanne,
Thought you’d get a laugh out of these shenanigans from last night. Penny and Presley are both 100% guilty!


Abs continues to fill our lives with joy. This is a fuzzy alarm clock pic….he purrs and paws at my chest to see if I am awake at 6am. I wake laughing and delighted most mornings.

Henry Alexander

Hi Suzanne,

Henry is absolutely stunning and perpetually sweet, but overly vocal prior to sunrise. I can’t remember when I’ve been able to sleep much past 6:30AM.

Thanks so much.

Paula W and Harry Jr

Harry arrived safely in Kansas City and we arrived safely home. I’m sending a picture. Thank you so much and I appreciate Christian and his nanny service so much. More/better pictures later. Archie already greeted him with a hiss. 😼


Happy 4th of July weekend! And greetings from Kansas City! Just sharing some pics of the purr family.

We found a book in my mom’s sewing room while going through her things. My son, Dan, has been calling Harry the perfect cat, lol. Dan took this pic of Harry and Harry was happy to oblige.


Hi Suzanne, Just wanted to let you know Onyx is adjusting beautifully. The other kitties and the Frenchie have accepted her. She likes to sit on the back of the sofa and look out the window at the bugs, birds and squirrels. She’s a delightful little girl. Thank you again, Kathrine and Chuck Cooper

Edith & Sasha

They are lap cats. I’d love them if they weren’t, but it’s a real treat that they are.


He is so smart, he is like German shepherd (brings me his toy back and forth).


Giving you an update on our cat from your litter, Samson. He is absolutely the best cat ever! I wish my husband would let me have another one to keep him company during the day. 🙂 Here is a few photos of how he is doing.
Have a great day!

Calvin and Fiona Update

Hi Suzanne,

Hope all is well with you. Both kitties are doing amazing here! They have been wild, and playful, and affectionate. They are so bonded; always with each other. I was just going through some pics taken today and thought I’d share these with you!



Hi Suzanne,

Mowgli is settling in well. He is stunning!! So sweet, affectionate and chill. Currently, he is staying in my son’s room. He gets a brief intro to our 2 other cats everyday. While Lukas is in school, he plays in the room & naps. It’s play and bonding time when Lukas returns from school.



Just a quick update – he seems happy at the apartment, but he’s not yet ready to come out of his crate. We’re going to let him take all the time he needs 🙂
– Jo


Hello Susanne,

Maximus from Elkhart Indiana says “Merry Christmas”.
Loving life,
Happy Holidays,

Tim & Lori H.


She greeted us when we walked into the airport baggage office with a long meow. Judy has a wonderful disposition and is very confident and snuggly. My cat Arno wants to be her friend very badly but she is shaking him who’s boss. She has done well already meeting most of the animals- including the bunny and the tortoise.


Hi, Just wanted to give you an update on Earl! He has made himself quite comfortable here and we couldn’t possibly love him anymore! He is the cutest!
– Marnie


Hi Suzanne,
Just got back from Oliver’s first vet appointment and he passed with flying colors. Completely healthy, 4.3 lbs. He has a little acne under his chin but perfect otherwise! All the vet techs came in and loved him. Thanks so much!!!


Hi Suzanne,

Hope all is well. Just took this cute picture of Oliver and thought i would share it with you. He thinks he is part dog, watching us as we eat dinner. He is such a mooch! Can’t wait for new kitten pictures!


Dottie is a Fast Cat!

You breed some fast Kitties. Dottie caught a squirrel this afternoon. Fortunately the squirrel got away quickly. Dale


Hi Mom,
I have made it to the big bed!



Hi, He is home a s settling in. Thank you so much he is safe and sound! He is super adorable!!!!

Calvin and Fiona

Kittens are doing amazing. I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to tell them apart!!

When they’re on the go and I don’t have a chance to look for different markings, they’re pretty close to identical twins!

They have names! The little guy is Calvin. Little lady is Fiona.
Fiona seems to be more curious of the two. Calvin is the bigger cuddler. We’ll see how/if that changes as they get older.

They’ve brought so much life to our home! My son wakes up in the morning and immediately starts talking about them and looking for them. He and Calvin were sitting on the couch yesterday watching cartoons and my son said “Mama, Hugo and Calvin happy!” He had a giant grin, it was so sweet.

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